

On 16 May 2023, the general meeting of shareholders  approved the payment of the gross dividend of EUR 0.80 for the financial year 2022, and the possibility of optional dividend.  The optional dividend technique allows shareholders who so wish to reinvest all or part of the net dividend to which they are entitled in the Company in exchange for new shares. In this way, the Company can increase its self-financing, comply with the statutory distribution obligation and the opportunity is given to the Company to make additional investments in inner-city commercial properties.


On 17 May 2022, the general meeting of shareholders  approved the payment of the gross dividend of EUR 0.80 for the financial year 2021, and the possibility of optional dividend. The technique of optional dividend allows shareholders who wish to do so to reinvest all or part of the net dividend to which they are entitled in the Company in exchange for new shares. In this way, the Company can increase its self-financing and at the same time comply with its statutory distribution obligation. Furthermore, at the end of 2019, the Company can increase its self-financing, comply with the statutory distribution obligation and the possibility is given to the company to make additional investments in inner-city commercial property.


On 18 May 2021, the general meeting of shareholders  approved the payment of the gross dividend of EUR 0.80 for the financial year 2020, and the possibility of optional dividend. The technique of optional dividend allows shareholders who wish to do so to reinvest all or part of the net dividend to which they are entitled in the Company in exchange for new shares. In this way, the Company can increase its self-financing and at the same time comply with its statutory distribution obligation. Furthermore, at the end of 2019, the Company put forward a new strategy whereby it wants to be active in inner-city commercial property. The focus will therefore no longer be solely on retail properties, but on a well-balanced portfolio of properties serving consumers. To be able to realise this, the Company will have to make additional investments, which will require additional clout. The optional dividend was part of the step-by-step plan that the Company had drawn up for this purpose.

Modaliteiten keuzedividend 31 May 2021



    The Board of Directors of the statutory manager of Qrf City Retail has approved on 30 January 2019 the contribution in kind, using authorised capital, of nine retail premises in Antwerp (Meirbrug-Schoenmarkt) and Ostend (Kapellestraat 65, Adolf Buylstraat 33, Adolf Buylstraat 35, Adolf Buylstraat 42 and Adolf Buylstraat 44). This contribution in kind resulted in the strengthening of the shareholders’ equity with 23.8 MEUR and the issue of  1,487,500 new shares.

    Apart from the press releases, the documents below are only available in Dutch. 


    The Board of Directors of the statutory manager of Qrf City Retail has approved on 27 October 2017 the contribution in kind, using authorised capital, of six retail premises in Antwerp (Wiegstraat 4, Wiegstraat 6 and Schrijnwerkersstraat 15) and Ostend (Kapellestraat 105, Adolf Buylstraat 1A and Adolf Buylstraat 36). This contribution in kind resulted in the strengthening of the shareholders’ equity with 12.50 MEUR and the issue of 536,020 new shares.

    Apart from the press releases, the documents below are only available in Dutch. 


    The Board of Directors of the statutory manager of Qrf City Retail has approved on 21 December 2016 the contribution in kind, using authorised capital, of two retail premises in Antwerp, Schuttershofstraat 58 en Wapper 14-16. This contribution in kind resulted in the strengthening of the shareholders’ equity with 7.68 MEUR and the issue of 321,285 new shares.

    Apart from the press releases, the documents below are only available in Dutch.

    After the acquisition on 8 September 2015 of 100% the shares of Imrohem NV with as principal asset the retail property located at Aalst, Nieuwstraat 29-33, a proposal was deposited for a transaction equated with a merger through acquisition of Imrohem NV and Qrf.

    The Board of Directors of the statutory manager of Qrf has approved on 6 February 2017 the transaction equated with a merger through acquisition in accordance with articles 676 iuncto 719-727 of the Companies code.

    These documents are only available in Dutch.

    After the acquisition and the partial contribution on 9 December 2015 of 100% the shares of TT Center Plus NV with as principal asset the retail property located at Hasselt, Koning Albertstraat 48-50, a proposal was deposited for a transaction equated with a merger through acquisition of TT Center Plus NV and Qrf.

    The Board of Directors of the statutory manager of Qrf has approved on 6 February 2017 the transaction equated with a merger through acquisition in accordance with articles 676 iuncto 719-727 of the Companies code.

    These documents are only available in Dutch.

    After the acquisition on 24 June 2015 of 100% the shares of Prado BVBA/SPRL with as principal asset the retail property located at Gent, Langemunt 61-63, a proposal was deposited for a transaction equated with a merger through acquisition of Prado BVBA/SPRL and Qrf.

    The Board of Directors of the statutory manager of Qrf has approved on 17 October 2016 the transaction equated with a merger through acquisition in accordance with articles 676 iuncto 719-727 of the Companies code.

    These documents are only available in Dutch.

    The Board of Directors of the statutory manager of Qrf has approved on 30 June 2016 the contribution in kind, using authorised capital, of a part of the shares of the company RIGS NV, which owns a retail property located in Hasselt, Demerstraat 21-25. This contribution in kind resulted in a capital increase of 7.94 MEUR and the issue of 325,466 new shares. 

    The balance of the shares of the company RIGS NV have been acquired by Qrf on the same date and have been paid in cash. As a result, on 30 June 2016, 100% of the shares of the company RIGS NV have been acquired by Qrf.

    Apart from the press releases, the documents below are only available in Dutch.


    After the acquisition on 13 August 2014 of 100% the shares of LeDi137 NV/SA with as principal asset the retail property located at Leuven, Diestsestraat 137, a proposal was deposited for a transaction equated with a merger through acquisition of LeDi137 NV/SA and Qrf.

    The Board of Directors of the statutory manager of Qrf has approved on 18 February 2016 the transaction equated with a merger through acquisition in accordance  with articles 676 iuncto 719-727 of the Companies code.

    These documents are only available in Dutch.

    De Raad van Bestuur van de statutaire zaakvoerder van Qrf heeft op 9 december 2015 binnen het kader van het toegestaan kapitaal haar goedkeuring gegeven aan de inbreng in natura van een gedeelte van de aandelen van de vennootschap TT Center Plus NV, eigenaar van een handelspand gelegen te Hasselt, Koning Albertstraat 48-50. Deze inbreng leidde tot een kapitaalverhoging van 8,91 MEUR en de uitgifte van 383.363 nieuwe aandelen.

    Het saldo van de aandelen van de vennootschap TT Center Plus NV werden op dezelfde dag verworven door Qrf (en haar 100% dochtervennootschap LeDi137 NV) en betaald in cash. Zodoende werd op 9 december 2015 direct en indirect 100% van de aandelen van de vennootschap TT Center Plus NV verworven door Qrf.

    The Board of Directors of the statutory manager of Qrf has approved on 8 December 2015 the contribution in kind, using authorised capital, of a retail complex located in Leuven, Bondgenotenlaan 58. This contribution in kind resulted in a capital increase of 14.73 MEUR and the issue of 633,680 new shares.

    Apart from the press releases, the documents below are only available in Dutch.

    After the acquisition on 28 February 2014 of 100% the shares of ToMa20 NV/SA with as principal asset the retail property located at Tongeren, Maastrichterstraat 20, a proposal was deposited for a transaction equated with a merger through acquisition of ToMa20 NV/SA and Qrf.

    The Board of Directors of the statutory manager of Qrf has approved on 27 October 2015 the transaction equated with a merger through acquisition in accordance with articles 676, 1° iuncto 719-727 of the Companies code.

    These documents are only available in Dutch.

    The Board of Directors of the statutory manager of Qrf has approved on 24 June 2015 the contribution in kind, using authorised capital, of two retail premises located in Namur, Rue de Fer 10, and Antwerp, Kammenstraat 34. This contribution in kind resulted in a capital increase of 4.73 MEUR and the issue of 193,097 new shares.  

    Some documents are only available in Dutch.

    After the acquisition on 27 April 2014 of 100% the shares of Century Center Parking NV/SA with as principal asset the leasehold rights on the car park of Century Center, located at Antwerp, Vestingstraat, a proposal was deposited for a transaction equated with a merger through acquisition of Century Center Parking NV/SA and Qrf.

    The Board of Directors of the statutory manager of Qrf has approved on 7 November 2014 the transaction equated with a merger through acquisition.

    These documents are only available in Dutch.


    IPO 23 October 2020
    IPO 22 October 2020
    IPO 23 October 2020
    IPO 23 October 2020
    IPO 23 October 2020
    IPO 23 October 2020
    IPO 23 October 2020
    IPO 23 October 2020
    IPO 23 October 2020
    IPO 23 October 2020
    IPO 23 October 2020
    IPO 23 October 2020

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